Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Ata Bandial on Friday stressed the need for a comprehensive strategy to control the rampant increase in population.
Addressing a ceremony on population growth in Islamabad, the top court judge the CJ emphasised the need to empower the population and urged society to actively participate in determining right and wrong in certain matters. Citing the strength of the family system in Islam. He noted the historical significance of intergenerational bonds, which played a pivotal role until recent times.
While acknowledging that the government cannot shoulder all responsibilities, CJP Bandial stressed the importance of making the younger generation skilled and competent. It was highlighted that relying solely on legal measures would not solve population problems and that society must actively support the state by finding viable solutions. Reflecting on Pakistan’s humble beginnings, the CJ reminded the audience that the country was established in 1947 with limited resources, relying on contributions from the common people. He underscored the need to rekindle that sense of responsibility and recalled a time when Pakistan even extended loans to China.
Justice Umar Atta Bandial, another prominent figure in attendance, stressed the significance of adopting simplicity in initial steps towards addressing population challenges. He emphasized the provision of education and vocational training as fundamental measures that should be taken.
These suggestions will be further discussed during the two-day conference, where the Supreme Court’s role in resolving related litigation will be deliberated upon. It was also emphasised that judges should be well-informed about the evolving needs and ideas of society.