Pakistan Air Force, Royal Aeronautical Society and Institute of Space Technology Islamabad jointly organised a one-day symposium on “CPEC vis-à-vis Opportunities for Aviation Industry and Way Forward” at Air Headquarters, Islamabad.
The activity attracted the high level of participation from all major stake holder organisationsincludinggovernment/ ministries, think tanks, academia, military and commercial aviation operators and regulators.
While addressing the symposium, Air Chief Marshal SohailAman, NI(M) said CPEC is a project of great magnitude which will play a pivotal role in transforming theeconomic landscape of Pakistan, as indeed the region and beyond. It is rightly calleda game changer as it connects East and West Asia, making Pakistan both a conduit and destination for cross regional investment and trade. The Air Chief further said that PAF is fully committed to provide impregnable security to this project of great strategic significance in synergy with sister services and other enforcement agencies.
Senator MushahidHussainSayed, the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on CPEC, lauded efforts of the Air Chief and termed the symposium as a timely, prudent and inevitable exercise.He further appreciated the foresightedness of PAF, and endorsed its role as the leader in the aviation sector in Pakistan. Senator Sayed recalled the foresightedness of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1948 when Pakistan was in a precarious condition: it was at war with India over Kashmir; was faced with bankruptcy as India was refusing to give Pakistan its share of assets; there was an influx of millions of refugees to Pakistan, and a similar exodus of population following communal riots. When the Quaid was asked by American journalist Margaret Bourke-White about the future of Pakistan and its place in the world, he responded with characteristic clarity and conviction. He told the journalist, “Pakistan is the pivot of the world,placed on the frontier on which the future position of the world revolves”. His words sound prophetic today. With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as the centre piece of regional connectivity, an emerging Greater South Asia, China, South and Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan are being woven together by pipelines and ports, roads and railways, energy and economy, and Pakistan’s role is pivotal. The senator highly praised the role of Pakistan Air Force in eradicating the menace of terrorism and showed his confidence that PAF will ensure the aerial security of CPEC through rigorously tested capability of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance. He termed aviation sector as the strategic dimension of CPEC.
Air Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, the deputy chief of the Air Staff (Support) and Chairman of Royal Aeronautical Society Islamabad Branch, in preamble of the symposium, emphasised that CPEC is the project of strategic importance and we as a nation should accrue maximum benefits from it. He urged that aviation would play a principled role in generation of sustenance of economic dynamics. He further added that the unexplored aerial dimension of CPEC will be the real game changer for Pakistan. This dimension will exponentially expand the reach of CPEC and would be a key element in making Pakistan the next business hub of Asia.
CPEC project director, Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform, briefed on synopsis and current statuses of major Long, Medium and Short term projects of CPEC. He advocated the synergic cooperation among all stake holders to ensure timely completion of projects. While discussing the long term plan he reiterated that comprehensive security plan catering Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capability is essential for smooth completion of CPEC projects.
MuzaffarAlam, Additional Director Air Transport International Regulations at Civil Aviation Authority, highlighted that liberalisation policy for Aviation is essential to induce positive competition among the airlines and facilitation of consumers. He briefed that open sky policy will improve travelling experience of passengers and will be a major contributory factor in augmentation of air traffic.He forecasted that aviation traffic will increased by three million passengers in next three to four years, which creates a major potential for new Airlines operators, ground handling agencies, aviation training Institutions and other relevant agencies.
Air Vice Marshal RaziNawab, Deputy Managing Director Shaheen Foundation, gave a visionary concept of Air Silk Route and presented a plan to meet the future aviation requirements. He emphasised that aviation industry urgently needs the establishment of New Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) setups, trained manpower, new airlines, joint ventures and rightly placed infrastructure to handle the need of future economic hub of South Asia. He also recommended that formation of working group under the Joint Cooperation Committee of Pakistan Air Force and Aviation Division to lead the integration of Aviation dimension in CPEC.
AmerZafarDurrani, CEO of Secur Global, ReenergiaEnhar, briefed the audience that with the positive movement of the centre of gravity for economic activities, Pakistan is the next economic hub of Asia. CPEC has its own benefits, but with the integration of aviation, the advantage can grow exponential. He termed the aviation as the prerequisite for business and economic development. He strongly advocated the Mergers and Acquisitions, Investments in Infrastructure and Services and Civil aircraft manufacturing collaborations to promote Higher Global Connectivity, Tourism and rapid growth of aviation industry in Pakistan. He also recommended the shared flag carrier for unrestricted access across the globe.
Air Commodore Abdul Moeed, Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Plan) while highlighting the role of Air Power in CPEC briefed that Pakistan Air Force hold a realtime tested and tried capability of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), which has magnificent potential and application in CPEC security. He also briefed that Pakistan Air Force has full capability to effectively undertake specialised roles of medical evacuation, search and rescue operations, area scanning, kinetic operations on CPEC.
Federal Minister for Interior AhsanIqbal, during his key note speech, highly appreciated the commitment and vision of Pakistan Air Force for leading the exploration of unexplored dimension in CPEC. He emphasised the importance of aviation in One Belt, One Road (OBOR) and advocated its integration in CPEC to make Pakistan a geo-economic hub of the region. Subsequently, he urged for expeditious development of aviation technology in Pakistan by establishment of Technology Intensive Clusters at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex,Kamra; Promotion of academic activities related to aviation including research and development, supporting of public private partnerships and joint venture with local and international aviation organisations.
Dr Nasir Afghan, Director of MBA Programme at IBA Karachi and consultant IAEA, highlighted that aviation has been the missing link in CPEC and should be incorporated in major plan. He briefed that air transportation is directly proportional to the prosperity of any country as it will stimulates additional traffic volumes, facilitate tourism, trade, investment and other sectors of the economy, subsequently enhancing productivity, economic growth and employment. He also proposed a simpler model of CPEC authority at National and Provincial level to ensure synergy and positive coordination among all stake holders. He strongly advocated that Aviation and CPEC will connect Pakistan to the global world and will open endless opportunities for economic growth. While concluding, he recommended that Pakistan should have a long term strategy for OBOR and CPEC.
The platform discussed on different aspects of Aviation industry and its integration with CPEC. On the basis of discussion and recommendations by the worthy speakers and audience of high intellect, following way forward are proposed:-
1. Joint Working Group for Aviation headed by Pakistan Air Force is to be formed with a member from Aviation Division, Ministry of Planning Development and Reform, Civil Aviation Authority and Rep from Major Airlines and Aviation Academic Institutions. The major mandate of the group will be refined integration of Aviation dimension in CPEC.
2. Smart application of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) capability of Pakistan Air Force to ensure the fool proof security of CPEC and further augmentation of security already provided by land forces throughout the route and Naval forces for Sea Lines of Communication.
3. SEZs are to be developed with focus of heavy industry to facilitate trade and economic growth.
4. Comprehensive Security Plan is to be made while catering all three dimensions.
5. Autonomous CPEC authority is to be made at Federal and Provincial level to ensure synergy and smooth coordination.
6. Higher Education Commission should promote the Conventional and Vocational Aviation Training to cater the futuristic needs. Facilitation and assistance to be provided to Aviation Training Institutes.
7. CPEC Resource Centre be made to study, explore and evaluate the Short, Medium and Long Term Aviation Development opportunities at Regional Level.