The Interior ministry wants FIA employees to be paid more. It has asked the federal government for more money through a summary sent to the prime minister.
In the summary, the ministry’s secretary says FIA employees are paid far less than officers in NAB, which makes it difficult for them to attract honest and competent officers.
The FIA is the “prime investigation agency of the federal government, which conducts investigations in the field of economic crime, money laundering, cyber crime, combating terrorism, human and drug trafficking, terror financing and organized crime,” wrote the secretary.
Notably, in March 2019, the government approved a better pay package for NAB, according to the summary. This includes an investigation allowance equal to 60% of running basic pay, utility allowance equal to 25% of running basic pay, a hardship allowance equal to basic pay, NAB allowance and 5% exemption on house rent charges.
According to the summary, the “huge disparity” between FIA and NAB employees is evident.
It wants the same package as NAB employees, which will cost Rs1,241 million for January to June 2020 but it needs Rs 781 million more to make this happen. Therefore, it has asked the premier to approve the increase.