Auditor General of Pakistan wing, Performance Audit Wing (PAW), Lahore conducted three courses i.e. ISSAI standards & guidelines, Performance audit cycle-planning phase”, and “Performance audit cycle-execution phase” which attended by 52 officers across the country. Goals of course on ISSAI standards & guidelines was to familiarize the participants to the concepts of ISSAI standards, guidelines and principles for the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) across the globe which stipulates that the concept and establishment of audit is inherent in public financial administration as the management of public funds represents a trust and audit is not an end in itself but an indispensable part of a regulatory system.
Topics covered in course performance auditing cycle planning phase were introduction of PSR & its components, template of PSR, Risk assessment, Preliminary audit objectives & scope and audit issues of potential significance. Developing audit design matrix to establish a clear relationship between, audit objectives, audit methodology, anticipated field work to be carried out. A three days course was designed to cover the main topics of performance audit cycle- execution phase included entry interview, assessment, evaluation and reporting on internal controls, objective of the session was to brief the participants about basic concepts about Internal controls and their importance in running of an organization. The objective of the session was to apprise the participants about the potential sources of audit evidence in performance auditing, tools and techniques used to analyze them and how to document the evidence to substantiate their point of view. The officers shared their feedback regarding the training sessions and gave their views that these sessions increased their knowledge & skill capacity of performance auditing.
They admired the efforts of this wing and assured to implement entire knowledge in practical field work. At the end, Director General (PAW) addressed the course participants and hoped that these short courses will improve practical skills in their field work. He admired the resource-person who came fully prepared in their respective training sessions. He also appreciated the officers and staff of Performance Audit Wing for their support to make these courses successful. He awarded certificates to the participants and wished them best of luck in their future.